Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Coordinate with date, dress like yourself

Formal dress for guys isn't nearly as complicated as it is for girls.

But there are some guidelines for finding your prom groove.

Stick to your signature look

The need to sport a suit does not mean you have to change your whole look. There's an endless amount of ways to let your try style shine through your tux. Things to think about when considering your prom night outfit: jacket length, color, and, of course, what you choose to wear underneath (oxford, vest, tie).

Coordinate with your date

Before you even consider your tuxedo options, check with you’re date about the color and material of her dress and if she has any preferences on your tux style (you would be surprised at the fashion advice your girl has to give!). A coordinating cummerbund or tie adds a very cool touch to your whole prom look; plus your date will be thrilled.

Don't be afraid of trendy

It isn't good to go completely trendy (powder blue polyester suits from the '70s do not make good memories).

But try these small, trendy details:
Smooth cufflinks or a funky lapel trim.
Bow ties are the traditional choice, but regular neckties look sharp as well.
A vest always looks good, but a cummerbund adds a classy touch.
Take a cue from celebrity red-carpet style and don a monochromatic (all one color) look or add an unexpected splash of color.
Little details do count

You may not think that things like your hair, cologne, or accessories (Guys? Wearing accessories?) matter too much, but they really make or break your entire look.

Add polish with these details:

Have your hair trimmed a week before prom and try styling it a few different ways to see what you like best.
Lightly splash on a favorite cologne (I recommend Armani Mania and Polo Ralph Lauren).
Accessories that add polish to consider: cufflinks, hats jewelry (watches, necklaces, etc.) and don't forget the shoes (make sure they are shined, with no scuffs on the heels)!

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